Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Discussion: Holiday Weekend Gaming

I apologize for the lateness of this post. It was supposed to be written and go up for midnight, but for some reason that didn't happen.

This week there will be no post on Friday or on Monday the 6th. The reason for that is because, while I will be running my normal L5R game I am otherwise taking the weekend off to go on a small trip for the 4th of July and see the Atlantic Ocean. For me this means less gaming than I would normally have, but that's ok. Gen Con is coming up, and that will be more gaming which is just fine by me too.

However, for some people holiday weekends means getting together with friends you haven't seen in a while, and believe it or not, barbecues make great gaming sessions too - provided that the people at your barbecue are gamers. For those in the US the 4th of July is a time for said barbecues (and explosives) which I know gets some groups together. So, do any of you have special plans for your 4th of July weekend gaming?

Even if you're not doing anything for the 4th, any plans for holiday gaming this summer? What games are you looking to play? Any particular characters you want to bring up?

Sound off in the comments with your plans, and we'll see you with new stuff next Wednesday!

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